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Barter or Exchange the Asset values of your IP or IPRs.


Contemplating the barter or exchange of held or owned Intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, catalogs, and other IP has weighed on minds of financiers and rights holders as a viable resource in monetization and new capital funding. We can think of this as new source of funding or advanced capital, but what about the concept as first established long ago as barter? Can I trade my land, or chickens, for your vessel or cows?

Can I "trade" my owned rights in my income generating comic book characters for another's owned rights in TV, radio programs, stations equity or real estate? Toy brand returns for values in high sports or luxury vehicles?

In principal, this happens during practices engaged through mergers and acquisitions, ie Disney acquires the assets and IP rights of a Lucas... But all gets associated by way of currencies involved, cash, again converted into stock values, then the evaluation of the IP gets ushered along over into the described acquisition.

The other devise of barter, is to simply eliminate the cash or currency involved as the monetary instrument in the exchange.

This comes back to swapping your ducks for chickens, but the question becomes why, how and for what purpose in jumping from a vessel to vessel, ensuring one's ducks are in a row.

From past history, some nation's ministry's have attempted such exchanges, as an intellectual property (IP) exchange. To create platforms for buying, selling & licensing IPRs. The premise being global platforms for trading IPR between people and commercial entities.

* Platforms where IPRs such as patents, trademarks, copyright and industrial designs are bought, sold or licensed.

* People and commercial entities from home nations and abroad would trade on the proposed IP exchange.

* Arrangements for users so that they can meet and trade online and use additional services provided by the platform.

Proposed advantages are such global platforms include economic gains for rights holders by commercialising their assets. New openings for entrepreneurs and start-ups will also address unemployment. An enhanced culture of innovation among students. A help for companies wishing to expand their IPR portfolio.

The challenges? The authenticity of a listed IP may be an issue, as platforms often don’t take responsibility. IPR valuation may pose hurdles of upholding confidentiality of the IPRs.

Allowing only legally protected IPRs to be listed and barring potentially infringing items addresses issues of authenticity.

Such platform can be devised to sign NDAs before IP disclosure. It can provide a dispute resolution mechanism, including direct links to online arbitration and settlement services.

Is there a history of Intellectual Property Barter or Exchange in the United States?

Here's a real world case of the Intellectual Property Exchange, once established not long ago in Chicago, IL.

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